La selección del mito en la definición de la memoria de Troya: Eneida II

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Julia A. Bisignano


We propose to examine the subject of the destruction of Troy, as it is told in Aeneid II. This is the first complete source about the fall of Troy. We analyze the specific treatment of the subject from the perspective of a Roman poet who, in his mythical selection, emphasizes the following elements of the Greek perfidy and the entering of the Horse to the city, showing the value of the events of a mythical past which in the text perpetuates the memory: Sinon ´s perjury, the portent misinterpreted by Laocoon and the will of the fate.


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How to Cite
Bisignano, J. A. (2017). La selección del mito en la definición de la memoria de Troya: Eneida II. Auster, (22), e034.

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