La religión “vivida” frente a la "religión cí­vica" en la Antigüedad: un cambio de perspectiva

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Jörg Rüpke


Contrary to a concept of “belief” that seems too Christian, ancient religion has been understood in recent decades mainly as part of political identity and political strategies: a system of rules that regulates people's duties towards the gods and, at the same time, links them to their polity: “civic religion”. The “votive”, the “gift of consecration”, seems to confirm this finding even for individual religious action. The article proposes a change of perspective: Focusing on the use of objects in communication between humans and gods shows that even ancient religious practice was above all “lived religion”, which changed again and again.


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Rüpke, J. (2020). La religión “vivida” frente a la "religión cí­vica" en la Antigüedad: un cambio de perspectiva. Auster, (25), e058.