El motivo del tiempo en Stichus de Plauto

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Stella Maris Moro
María Eugenia Martí


Duckworth recognizes three constitutive fabulae in Stichus. This paper analyzes the role that time plays in each one of them: first, the conflict provoked by a different perspective assumed regarding the mutability or immutability of social relations, institutions such as marriage and values such as pietas; second, the parasitus’ complaints around the current times of hunger and shortage, opposed to a "generous" past of banquets; finally, a day of freedom granted to slaves, a space for ephemeral celebration, which transience implies the imminence of the return to the established social order.


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Moro, S. M., & Martí, M. E. (2020). El motivo del tiempo en Stichus de Plauto. Auster, (25), e059. https://doi.org/10.24215/23468890e059