La ira de Eneas

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Karl Galinsky


In this article, the subject of Aeneas' anger, a matter of a large discussion, is well illuminated by means of four perspectives: 1) the role of iraand orge in the judicial context in Creece and Rome; 2) the different philosophical attitudes to anger in antiquity, as well as Stoic views, that have been a cornmon standard of analysis; 3) the function of anger in the llliad, especially with reference to Achilles; 4) the same with reference to Odysseus and the Odissey. According to Plato and Aristotle's parameters, and, generally, according to other than Stoic's views, Aeneas' attitude in the final scene is, undoubtedly, a proper one. This fact contradicts views postulated by common criticism, whí­ch, generally based on Stoic ideas or on modern prejudices that condemn Aeneas' action. Moreover, Aeneas' action in the ending of the epic, apart from being proper, characterizes the Aeneid as aRoman Odissey-lliad


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How to Cite
Galinsky, K. (2002). La ira de Eneas. Auster, (6-7), 11–34. Retrieved from