Trajano en la Estoria de Espanna de Alfonso X [primera parte]

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Aníbal A. Biglieri


This article examines Emperor Trajan's biography [98-117 AD] in the Estoria de Espanna by Alphonse X [chapters 192-95]. Following several principies inherited from Suetonius [via Vincent of Beauvais], the composition is organized either thematically and descriptí­vely [per species], or chronologically and narratively (per temporal. Four properties of the alphonsine's historiographic discourse can be distinguished: lack of precision in the dates, disregard of the temporal frames established for each chapter, narrativity of several of their segments, and unif ication of them according to their thematic similarities. Based on these categories, several biographical lines will be studied: Trajan's military campaigns against Germans, Dacians, and Parthians, the rebellions against Rome, natural disasters, the relations with the Christians, the anecdotes and portraits of Trajan, and his death and posthumous life


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How to Cite
Biglieri, A. A. (2006). Trajano en la Estoria de Espanna de Alfonso X [primera parte]. Auster, (10-11), 119–141. Retrieved from