Séneca, didascalias y voluntad de representación

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Martín Miguel Vizzotti


From the numerous discussions generated by Seneca's tragedies, one that has raised many troubles is the problem of the effective representation of his plays. Many respected scholars debated this issue in detail, sometimes referring to the same arguments while defending opposing thesis (Pociña, Andrés, 'Una vez más sobre la representación de las tragedias de Séneca', Emerita 41, 1973, 297-308.). We try to avoid this historical- rchaeological controversy to focus on the search of clearly performative passages present in the text (meso and micro didascalies) that reveals a 'Representation Will', at least primordial, from the author, even if the plays were never performed. Ancient theatre has a convention, the actions on stage have their parallel existence in the characters' speech and every performative action is present in the text. These passages are considered internal didascalies and they answer to the authors will to influence the representation (Issacharof, Michael, 'Voix, autorité, didascalies', Poétique 96, 1993, 463-474). The existence of the macro and microdidascalies, relevant and fundamental to the dramatic and tragic display, are the sign of an existing 'Representation Will' during the genesis of the plays


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How to Cite
Vizzotti, M. M. (2007). Séneca, didascalias y voluntad de representación. Auster, (12), 57–79. Retrieved from https://www.auster.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/AUSn12a05

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