La figura de Paris en dos voces femeninas: otras miradas sobre el código heroico (Heroidas 5 y 17)

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Adrián Francisco Peñalver


The representation of the heroes and their actions in the Heroides is based on the enunciative perspective of singular female voices constructed by the Ovidian poetic discourse. Starting from a broad sense of intra- and inter-textual references between letters 5 and 17, we analyze, through two similes, the presentation of Paris. The first simile, referring to the movement of the leaves (Ov., Her., 5. 109 -112), was used in Enone’s letter, while the second one, related to the task of plowing in the sand (Ov., Her., 5, 115-116; and 17, 141-142), was used by both Enone and Helena. 


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Peñalver, A. F. (2022). La figura de Paris en dos voces femeninas: otras miradas sobre el código heroico (Heroidas 5 y 17). Auster, (27), e075.